Thursday, June 16, 2011

June 2011 Project Leader Spotlight: Briana Boswell

Briana (Center) with volunteers at the PB&J Project

I had just finished my first year of college and had no summer plans. Not wanting to waste time sitting at home all summer I decided to find a way to give back to the community. I googled “volunteering in Broward County” and found Volunteer Broward. I was nervous to sign up at first because I had never volunteered before and had no idea what to expect. I tend to be very shy, and I thought being a volunteer would be difficult as I would have to talk to many people. 

Volunteering has been one of the best decisions I have made, and it has impacted my life tremendously. I have gained an immense amount of self-confidence and I feel as if I can truly accomplish anything I put my mind to. Before I began volunteering I was very shy, and nervous to talk to people or ask basic questions. Even the anticipation of getting lost, doing a task wrong, or not knowing what volunteering would be like was intimidating. Now I have become a comfortable, less anxious, and more out-going volunteer. I know that no matter what happens in life I can handle myself. I have enjoyed the challenges that volunteering has presented, and I feel a sense of accomplishment when I finish a project.

If someone would have asked me what I expected Volunteer Broward to be like before I started, I would have probably said that I imagine myself going to a few volunteer opportunities here and there but overall nothing special. I would have imagined myself anxious, shy, and picking projects where I could blend in and never have to worry about doing something ‘wrong’. Instead it has been a life-changing experience with new opportunities, and has even opened my eyes to possible career paths. Not only do I participate in multiple projects each week, but I have taken control and become a project leader.

I am currently the project leader for Peanut Butter Jelly Time every Tuesday, where I help out in a community kitchen to feed the homeless. This was the first project I signed up for, and after my first time I was hooked! It is such a rewarding experience to be able to help these people, and it gives me an amazing feeling that I, a shy 18 year old who always preferred to blend-in, could actually make a difference in peoples’ lives. I began signing up for many different types of projects. I have volunteered for the CERT drill team disaster trainings, where I pretend to be a victim of a disaster in order to help the Community Emergency Response Teams receive training. That has been a lot of fun. I have volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House where we baked muffins for sick children. I also volunteered at Taste of a Nation, a fundraiser to help provide food for those in need.

I have signed up for many future projects, including volunteering at the 2011 U.S. Paralympics Track and Field National Championships. I am looking forward to all the future projects and each new experience and challenge. I have met many amazing people, including an AmeriCorps member who has inspired me to go above and beyond. Seeing the way she helps people and how comfortable she seems in her own skin has helped me break out of my shell and really dive in! I am even considering joining AmeriCorps in the future to further use my time to help those in need.

My advice to new volunteers is to take chances!  You never know where that might lead you. Don’t let anxieties, what if’s, or pessimistic thoughts stand in your way. If you believe in yourself and have a goal, then go for it and follow your heart. It may seem out of reach, but it really might be closer than you think.

By: Briana Boswell

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 2011 Volunteer Spotlight: Sherley Guerrier

Sherley and Daria at the
Ronald McDonald House

I was beginning my sophomore year of high school and didn't have any community service hours. I knew I needed to stop being lazy and become a more active member in my community. One day the guidance counselors at my school, Fort Lauderdale High, had an assembly and they started talking about Volunteer Broward and I decided to look it up online and eventually signed up for an orientation meeting. That's how I started volunteering.

I worked on many different projects with Volunteer Broward. One of the recent projects that I worked on was the 2nd Annual Covenant 5k walk/run where I passed out water to the racers. I even had a chance to walk some of the track. The day before the 5k I volunteered at the Ronald McDonald house and assisted other volunteers in making muffins for the families that currently live at the House. Other projects that I have worked on include a lot of outdoor environmental projects such as People & Planet Day at Esplanade River Walk Park and I also helped build a nature trail at Snyder Park with the Kids Ecology Corps. I also participated in the Family Fun and Resource Day which was an outreach event on child abuse prevention. I am also part of the Youth Project Leaders program which gives me an opportunity to learn how to be a leader in assisting our community. I am currently not signed up for any projects, but will soon be visiting the website to get my new assignments.

I know I'm making a difference in my life and others when I volunteer. This organization impacted my life tremendously. Since I've started I volunteer at least once a week. As I grow up and start applying for colleges the volunteer projects I have taken part in will aid me into getting into schools that I would like to attend. As an adult I will have more social skills and be able to interact with people that I will be working alongside. My sister is now beginning to volunteer through Volunteer Broward because of how much she saw volunteering was important to me. Volunteering has become a part of my lifestyle. I learned to enjoy helping others. "One of the best decisions I've made in my high school career is joining volunteer Broward because of the many doors it will open in my future."

If you're a new volunteer and hesitant about becoming a Volunteer Broward member I encourage you to at least do one project that's all it takes to change your perspective. You never know until you try!

By Sherley Guerrier