Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August 2011 Project Leader Spotlight: Jonelle Levy

I got involved as a Project Leader with Volunteer Broward during the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Week of Service. During that time, Volunteer Broward was mobilizing over 5,000 volunteers and community members to answer to Dr. King's call to service. Although I was an active volunteer, I decided that being a project leader would be a great opportunity in developing and sustaining future projects. I got the chance to recruit and lead over 200 volunteers for the Martin Luther King Jr. Parade at MLK Jr. elementary in addition to working as a Street Team Leader and encouraging the parade goers to commit to service this year. The MLK Jr. celebration was the first project that I got to lead and the experience was amazing! I was able to volunteer with my friends and family. At that time, I realized that the world is much bigger than my neighborhood and by doing self-less acts I can motivate another person or child.

Being a volunteer and project leader has positively impacted my personal and professional goals.I recently  received my associates in nursing and I am currently pursuing a bachelor's in Public Health. I plan on continuing my education by getting a masters in epidemiology and maternal & child health. I eventually want to work in an agency that promote healthy living for families and their children. I am currently planning to work with Volunteer Broward and Broward Outreach Center in getting more people involved in the Hope Tote Campaign. The Hope Totes is a great opportunity to give back to those in needs, hygiene items, baby supplies, and clothing are in high demand and needed at various centers and I am very excited to contribute.

My advice for new volunteers and project leaders is to get involved! Volunteer Broward is very helpful in supporting their volunteers, project leaders, and partnering agencies. Whether you want to lead an existing calendared project or start your own, the tools and people are always there to help out.