Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 2011 Volunteer Spotlight: Chelsea Callahan

I found Volunteer Broward through a volunteer matching site. At the time I was searching for volunteer organizations - any volunteer organizations - but I had no idea where to begin. The name recognition and the vast amount of projects available is what clinched it for me. I hope to find any project or activity that can offer up a new skill or experience. For example, I understand that Volunteer Broward offers training for disaster response, which sounds interesting and at some point I'd also be interested in helping out with a walk event. There are so many opportunities through Volunteer Broward that I hardly know where to focus my attention first!

It's amazing how even one good volunteer project can dramatically change your personal outlook on various things. Sometimes it's as simple as coming across a volunteer from some organization standing outside your local Publix, and donating a dollar or signing their petition or taking their flier or lending an ear because you're thinking, "I've been in their place before and I know it's not easy." Once you've volunteered, it makes it harder to ignore other people. If I could sum it up to its simplest, I'd say it's about connectivity. You feel connected with other people, you feel connected with your community. Volunteering has increased my confidence in dealing with others. I am not a natural social butterfly, but volunteering has helped me become more comfortable in social situations. Professionally, I've seen a clear association between my volunteer work and my attractiveness to employers. My work with Volunteer Broward played a strong role in my recent (and ultimately successful) job search. Because of all of this, I've decided to make volunteering a habit.

My advice to new volunteers is jump in, even if you don't quite know what it is you want to do! Pick something, anything. If you find it's not interesting to you, you can at least say you've tried it. Pick something else. The trick to a good experience is to start broad, choosing all types of activities to get a wide selection of experiences and a wide selection of people.

"Volunteering makes you feel good" is only a platitude to those who haven't experienced it. Once you've felt it yourself, you realize how profound it truly is.

By Chelsea Callahan

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